look at you.
still standing
after being
knocked down
and thrown out.
look at you.
still growing
after being
picked and plucked
and prodded out of
your home.
look at you.
still dancing
and singing
after being
defeated and disassembled.
look at you, love.
still here and hopeful
after it all.
Ladies and gentlemen, that was a beautiful poem titled “Resilience” by Alex Elle that taught us that we’re stronger than we know. No matter how tough this world crushes us, we always find the power we need to come back.
Now, did you know? Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorder. In the United States alone, about 18.1% of adults suffer from anxiety disorder each year. In 2001, World Health Organization estimated that 1 out of 4 people would experience at least a mental health problem in their lifetime and an American study concluded that adults experiencing depression tripled during the pandemic. According to Mental Health America, it is estimated that about 20% of the world's youth experience mental health problems, partly due to smartphone addiction. And nearly half of chronic mental disorders start before the age of 14. Now, have we as the next generation of the nation who are called "agents of change", understood what mental health is, its causes, and how to prevent it?
The honorable adjudicators and everyone out there who’s taking time to watch,
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
My name is Nabila Nurul Putri from Architecture major, Sumatra Institute of Technology, standing here to deliver my speech.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you still remember the case of the celebrity Marshanda a few years ago? Yes, many people were shocked by the drastic change from Marshanda, who was known as a gentle and polite person, into a rude and emotional figure. People's views regarding Marshanda's figure also changed, various negative comments and blasphemy continued to flow to her. Many people said that Marshanda has gone 'crazy' even when she has admitted to the media that she suffered from bipolar. This proves that there are still few people who understand mental health problems in Indonesia.
According to the World Federation for Mental Health, mental health is a condition that allows optimal development both physically and emotionally, as well as accepting responsibility and maintaining social rules in the environment. Meanwhile, according to medical experts, mental health is influenced by events in life that left a great impact on a person's personality and behavior. If mental health is disturbed, then mental disorders or diseases will arise.
Did you know? There are also many types of mental disorders, the first one is depression, which is a mood disorder characterized by feelings of deep sadness and a sense of indifference. The second one is bipolar disorder, which is a disorder associated with mood swings ranging from lows to highs. Third, there is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a disorder characterized by a failure to recover after experiencing or witnessing a horrific event. The fourth is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), which is a mental disorder that causes sufferers to feel compelled to do an action over and over again. The last one, there is anxiety disorder, which is a feeling of being excessively nervous about something.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are many causes of mental health disorders and they are need to be realized since childhood, generally occurs due to severe trauma in childhood such as experiencing discrimination, harassment, and sexual abuse either verbally or physically. Meanwhile, during a pandemic like this, the cause of mental health can also be from social and economic losses in the form of being fired from work which causes increased problems of poverty, isolation, and loneliness. In addition, mental health disorders are also influenced by physical activities such as head injuries and consuming toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs, and so on.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are at least four efforts that we can all do, especially during a pandemic like this to prevent mental disorders. The first is to apply the principle of "less is more" by reducing news intake. Reading information or news is necessary, but don't let it make you anxious. Therefore, read 1 until 2 news every day from trusted sources. The second is to do “Self-Talk”. Try to talk to yourself about whatever you are feeling and try to make peace with yourself. Positive affirmations delivered during self-talk can reduce some of the risks of mental health disorders. The third, start a new hobby or get out of your comfort zone so you don't get bored during social restrictions. And lastly, be a good listener to all your friends' stories. Never underestimate all the difficulties in their story. If you are unable to provide a solution, then don't add any more burden on their shoulders. Just listen, empathize, support, and entertain them in your own way.
Ladies and gentlemen, at the end of this speech, I also want to give a point of view of preventing mental health problems from an architectural perspective, especially during a pandemic. All the activities that we do are carried out in a space or dimension that is limited by walls, roofs, and the circulation in them. It is very important to always create space circulation and interior placement that pays attention to human comfort in moving. In addition, natural ventilation through windows that are always opened every day can make our mood much better and avoid stress. If possible, it doesn't hurt to make an inner court in the house or a mini garden in the yard filled with air filtering plants. In addition to be healthy, green plants can make us relax, calm, and focus on doing activities.
Finally, that’s all for my speech today. I’ll end this speech with a quote from HealthyPlace.com, “mental health is not a destination, it's a process. It's not about where you're going, it's about how you drive." At the end of the day, healing takes time but asking for help is a courageous step. Thank you so much for your attention, Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
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